The Metamodel Blog

Blog Policy


This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own and do not in any way represent the official opinions of my employer.


To provide feedback on any post, you have two options:

Contrarian opinions are welcome, if expressed politely and supported with some evidence. Misleading and offensive comments will be deleted and repeat offenders will be blocked.

Guest posts

Guest posts on modeling-related issues are welcome. Please email

You are also welcome to propose a guest post if you disagree with a blog post, and the comment section is too limiting to express that.


Posts in this blog may be reproduced in their entirety, without modification, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). If reproduced online, the attribution should include a link to the original post.

Original graphics created specifically for this blog may be reused, without modification, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND). Note that this license requires attribution but permits commercial use. This license does not apply to derived graphics on this site that incorporate material from other sources; they would fall under “fair use” guidelines.


This blog uses Hugo, a static website generator, and Remark42 for comment handling. Both are open source products and are hosted on a dedicated server for this blog.

If you are just reading the blog, no personally identifiable information is collected by the static website. There are no ads or affiliate links. There is embedded Google Analytics code that aggregates generic usage statistics.

To append a comment to a blog post, you will need to login with a social account (Google/Facebook). The user’s name is used to label the comment. Your name is not used for any purpose other than the authentication for commenting, and no other information about your account is collected. In particular, the commenting information is not shared with Google Analytics. (The comment handling software, Remark42, runs in a separate docker container and is unaware of the Google Analytics code in the static web site.)